silver linings

"Every cloud has a silver lining"

As I left practice today I noticed this cloud.
The sun causes the silver lining to appear.
It is most evident, and most beautiful
 when the clouds are darkest.
Sometimes we get a glimpse of that lining when and where we least expect it.

I knew I had to go to see the doctor today
even though I didn't want to.
I hoped they had an opening.
They graciously worked me in.
Diagnosis: Bronchitis.
Treatment: A shot, inhaler, antibiotic.
In about 24 hours I should feel like a new woman.

I spoke with a dear, long time friend today.
One I do not have the pleasure of seeing often.
Someone both Bill and I love, respect and have prayed for.
Today I found out they have been watching our family for years.
I don't know where they personally stand with the Lord,
but they brought up the faith they see in us.
They are seeing Jesus.

I started getting sick Saturday.
Each day has been progressively worse.
I was not going to get better without medicine.
By not allowing the date to dictate my decision
I was able to begin a needed treatment plan.
I have a soccer tournament this weekend.
I should be well enough to go.

Openly sharing our faith 
each time the opportunity presented itself,
over the past 25 years, through the good and the bad,
maybe especially this past year
where both of our lives were shaken by Bill's death
has allowed this friend to clearly see the difference 
an intimate relationship with Jesus makes in life.

If I had not been sick I would not have been out this morning.
I would have missed that conversation with my friend.
I was privileged to see two silver linings today.
Ones I would have missed 
if I had not done the "hard things",
if I had focused only on the "dark clouds"
rather than on the Son.

 "And we know that for those who love God 
all things work together for good,
 for those who are called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28


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