the last thing I want to do

The last thing I wanted to do when I woke up this morning was get out of bed. I seriously considered staying there all day. But I didn't. 

I got up and began journaling:

"Father, thank you for gently, patiently, kindly teaching me how to choose joy, how to choose thankfulness, how to persevere, how to choose to sit up and throw the covers off and, one leg at a time, sit up on the side of the bed and choose to leave it. To open the curtains and blinds and begin to face the day. Because some days, like today, that is the last thing I want to do...
so here I sit in my glider, running to You..." 

"Here I am God. Have Your way." 

Then I sat. Quiet. Still. Reading the Bible. Praying. Singing.

The last thing I want is to miss out on what He wants to do in my life.

After breakfast I drove to KCU to begin day two of 2015 soccer.

Within minutes the Director of Women's Services and a group of RA's approached me. "We would like to pray with you. Would that be okay?" YES! The prayer made me cry and smile. 

I told Bryan I was counting it as a God hug. 

The players had an abundance of hugs for me today.

At lunch two players asked if I was going bowling with the team tonight. When I replied, "yes", they asked if we could bowl together.

I received empowering, Godly advice, affirmation about my approach toward and promise of prayer about an uncomfortable situation in my life.

It was Bible Study day with two of my friends. We talked about grace and peace and other good stuff from Philippians.

The weather for this afternoon's practice was perfect.

With a little more than an hour between afternoon practice and supper I came home for a bit and was greeted by four little girls and two big girls with smiles.

I bowled with the kids. I really did it! I competed. I did not have the best scores, but I didn't have the worst either. 

Facing the giants is hard, 
but the payoff can be priceless.
Cherished and encouraged is how my day has ended.*

*I only thought my day was over.
I just received the following text:
"Thanks for bowling with us mom."
My heart just overflowed.

The last thing I want to do today?

"Thank You God for who You are and for who I am in You. 
Thank you for everything You are doing in my life. 
I love You and I love being Yours."


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