caffeine withdrawal 200/366

I have Rosacea. I've dealt with it for years. It is what makes my face red and causes the "pimples" that recently have covered my forehead and dotted my jowls. Sometimes the blemishes are painful, and sometimes my face burns, but overall I rarely think about it unless I am looking in the mirror or at a photo.

There is no cure, but there are things you can do to help control it. I took a low dose antibiotic for a long time until I decided it wasn't the best thing for my gut health. There is a topical gel I used until late last fall. It didn't seem to be helping and I figured why put a chemical on my face if it isn't making a difference?

I had a dermatology appointment this week. My yearly check up after having Basal Cell Carcinoma cut out of the bridge of my nose. Everything looks good. Except my Rosacea. Doc went over the list of foods that are known to trigger it. I shook me head no as he named them, because they aren't part of my diet. Until he got to caffeine. I was shocked. That is definitely part of my daily intake. At least one large mug a day. And it is something I have control over. So, I am working on removing it from my diet. I am easing my way out-using half regular, half decaf to make my morning brew. Doc suggested taking a selfie and looking at it when the temptation to drink caffeine seems overwhelming. 

He offered to write a new script for the antibiotic, I declined, gut health is more important. I'll endure the headache that started tonight as reality has started to hit my system. One upside to COVID is that no one else will be around me while I go through this withdrawal. I'm giving this process until Christmas to see if it helps. In the meantime  if I look like I am in a fog or dragging, especially this next few weeks, it's just a lack of caffeine. I'm sure it will get better. I'm sure it will get better. I'm sure it will get better....(Repeating it will make it true, right?)

Early this week I began memorizing three verses that caught my eye.
It's like God was preparing me beforehand.
My days as an athlete are past, but I am concentrating on exercising self-control. 

 "Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified." 1 Corinthians 9:25-27


  1. I wish I had as great of an outlook about my rosacea! Mine is concentrated on my nose and the amount of comments I get on it makes me very self conscious! I guess that is one upside of wearing my mask, lol!

    1. it's hard when people stare and when they are brave enough to make a comment. :(


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