protests, marches and hotheads 208/366
first 2 Photos by 13 News staff/Lane Ball
Today my little town dodged a bullet.
Maybe more than one.
There was a Black Lives Matter protest and march this afternoon,
and though it was not pretty,
it did not turn violent.
Information and speculation thrown around beforehand was not positive
and some of my friends,
out of caution, fear, or a mixture of both,
left their homes today in case the forecasted ugliness panned out.
I saw more guns today than I have ever seen in my whole life, combined.
There were ugly words hurled at the non violent protesters.
Our law enforcement and emergency management team did an excellent job,
beforehand, during and after the event.
My heart is sore and bruised this evening.
There is no hiding the hurt and hate that has deep, deep roots here in NE KY.
I "know" it is everywhere,
it has just been more hidden until today.
Yelling and screaming is not going to bring about the changes that need to occur.
our world needs healing only God can give
and the only way the world will see that need and cure
is if Jesus followers actually follow Jesus,
living and loving like He did
it means holding ourselves to a different set of standards than the world
it means sacrifice and discipline and other uncomfortable things
it won't be easy, but many things worth doing aren't easy
* I was asked to not be in the midst of this protest,
so I stayed at my home, which is in the "heart" of the march route, praying

Maybe more than one.
There was a Black Lives Matter protest and march this afternoon,
and though it was not pretty,
it did not turn violent.
Information and speculation thrown around beforehand was not positive
and some of my friends,
out of caution, fear, or a mixture of both,
left their homes today in case the forecasted ugliness panned out.
I saw more guns today than I have ever seen in my whole life, combined.
There were ugly words hurled at the non violent protesters.
Our law enforcement and emergency management team did an excellent job,
beforehand, during and after the event.
My heart is sore and bruised this evening.
There is no hiding the hurt and hate that has deep, deep roots here in NE KY.
I "know" it is everywhere,
it has just been more hidden until today.
Yelling and screaming is not going to bring about the changes that need to occur.
our world needs healing only God can give
and the only way the world will see that need and cure
is if Jesus followers actually follow Jesus,
living and loving like He did
it means holding ourselves to a different set of standards than the world
it means sacrifice and discipline and other uncomfortable things
it won't be easy, but many things worth doing aren't easy
* I was asked to not be in the midst of this protest,
so I stayed at my home, which is in the "heart" of the march route, praying
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