dog fights 189/366

my neighbor's son has a beautiful german shepherd he sometimes brings when he visits
my dogs, all three of them, have a very vocal and aggressive dislike of him
as far as I know there is no reason for their behavior
as soon as they hear their vehicle stop they begin barking
they will run my side of the fence growling menacingly 
as he runs the other side of the fence 
all of them taking turns pressing up against the barrier
it is frightening

there are ruts on both sides and a well worn path where no grass grows
Ivy pushes so hard against it that she's almost slid through, under the fence
I don't even want to imagine the damage that would ensue if she succeeded
I have sat and yelled at my dogs to no avail
tonight I've been active and have even wrestled Ivy to the ground several times
I also drove spikes through the bottom of the fence in two places 
I am hoping to prevent a break through
and what I fear would be a mangled blood bath

when I read social media posts
I see people acting like my dogs
itching for a fight
apparently because someone is on the other side of the fence

Jesus followers,
let's be careful we aren't following the pack
we are called to allow the Spirit of God to live and work in and through us
to love lavishly, 
to forgive as we have been forgiven
to live at peace, as far as it depends on us
to be reconciled and be agents of reconciliation
to be God's ambassadors which means we are representing Him


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