Saturday surprises 193/366

I am in a small group that meets at 9AM the second Saturday of every month
as I drove to this morning's meeting spot
I rehearsed the telling of why I was a few minutes late 
which was wasted energy because I arrived with a minute to spare
my relief was short lived 

I was the only one there
I waited a few minutes thinking the others were running behind too
but even the leader, who is very reliable, did not arrive
I checked the info I had, more than once
I called the leader to see if something had changed last minute

no answer-also unlike him
I wouldn't call it panic, but heightened concern isn't quite strong enough either
what would cause him to act so out of character?

my conclusion-
there'd been an emergency
so I did what any mother would do
I drove to his house to check on him and his family
(with a toddler and a four month old things can happen quickly)

he answered the door, surprised and maybe a tad bit confused to see me,
but very welcoming
the first words out of my mouth?
"are you guys ok?"
when he assured me everyone was fine I almost started bawling with relief

long story shortened:
my reply the other day telling him I was coming didn't go through 
and if anyone else texted him, theirs didn't either
he figured everyone had plans
he asked if anyone else had been there waiting for him (there wasn't)

knowing he hadn't been planning on meeting
and how important a free perfect summer morning can be 
I told him I would be going,
now that my momma heart knew everyone was fine,
but he insisted I take a seat on the porch and we would have group

he brought me out a cup of coffee
we chatted about life
we  discussed things from the book that impacted or challenged us 
we chatted a bit more
every month we exchange titles of other books are reading and today was no exception

I stood to leave and didn't make it very far
somehow he persuaded me to allow him to wash my car,
made me feel like I was doing him a favor allowing him to do it
he and his father-in-law worked together
I must say, Ole Blue hasn't been this clean in a very long time

thank you guys
it may have been a "little thing" to you,
but this act of kindness and service spoke volumes to my heart


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