I did what I had to do 187/366

July 4th weekend, really any holiday weekend, is best spent with people you love. Good food, lots of talking and laughter, relaxing and just plain fun. COVID has put some limitations on how that is done safely. My kids are all married with families of their own, and their family plans put a serious damper on choices for the way I could spend my weekend. After a few tears and lots of prayer I spent it at home with the dogs. 

It has been scorching hot and humid here so yesterday I retrieved the two kiddie pools I had stored behind the building. I filled them about half way for Lady. Last summer she enjoyed a quick dip or two and I wanted to offer her the same opportunity to cool down this year. She took advantage of it. 

After I walked this morning I sat, as usual, on the back porch swing to cool down. I looked at the pools and decided to put all the water into one. I thought she might enjoy it even more. The levels were down because all three have decided they'd rather drink out of the pool. 

It was hot again today. I heard people splashing in the neighbor's pool. I knew, if I wanted to get my suit on that I could probably swim too. But I'm not that desperate because I am definitely not that confident about wearing swimwear. The longer I sat, the hotter I felt and the more inviting the baby pool water looked. Finally I caved. 

It was wonderful.
I have been missing my family this weekend. I expected that. I always want to be with them, holidays just intensify that longing because traditionally it's what we do. What I did not expect was to miss just plain being with people. COVID has changed what getting together looks like. This afternoon the desire to socialize was so overwhelming I drove 17 minutes to Walmart. To buy a gallon sized Rubbermaid pitcher. That I won't use until family comes in. But it gave me a reason to go and be with human beings. Without the pressure of asking if they already had plans or were busy. A $4 pitcher turned into a $60 trip. Definitely worth the price. It saved my sanity. 

This weekend, especially today, has been an example of doing what you have to do. 
As it comes to a close I'd say it's been a very different, but good weekend. 
(Friends and family please don't chastise me or yourself after reading this.)


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