I am tired 211/366

I am tired.
I don't think I am alone.
I am tired of social distancing and wearing a mask.
I am tired of not hugging my friends when I see them.
I am tired of this long stretch of heat and humidity.
I am tired of cleaning up dog poop.
I am tired of controversy. Over.every.little.thing.
I am tired of laundry.
I am tired of not being able to come and go and visit freely.
I am tired of cooking.
I am tired of cleaning.
I am tired of shopping online.
and this is not an exhaustive list!
I am tired of being a responsible adult.
I want to eat popsicles and have someone else bring me delicious food and take care of all the grown up stuff while I sit and read books or watch movies.

I'll feel better after I spend some time this evening reading with my feet up
and after I get a good night of sleep
and finish painting doors, installing new hinges and door knobs and rehang the doors upstairs tomorrow.
but today, I am tired and I'm not going to apologize or make excuses.
I also am not going to make any important decisions
nor am I going to engage in any discussions that are stressful.
I am not in any mood to accept well meaning advice about how to get over it.
I just want to wallow a while.
Rest assured, I won't stay here,
but I am going to take time to admit and acknowledge it 
then I'll be fit to get up and go on adulting well
until then, I'll be on the back porch-
unless I am inside getting another popsicle.


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