183 of 366= half
today is:
July 1,2020
day 183 of 366
halfway through the week
50% through the year
it's time to take stock of where I am

July 1,2020
day 183 of 366
halfway through the week
50% through the year
it's time to take stock of where I am
the day started with coffee, yogurt and bacon
time with Jesus
6,000 steps
the afternoon was filled with "doing the things"
returning items
grocery shopping
picking up my computer that is housing a new battery
I was going to sit on the porch swing and scroll meaninglessly all evening
My friend Karen lives on a farm
her husband Keith raises laying hens
I have kind of gotten spoiled? addicted? to farm fresh eggs
I was out
she had plenty
and I was craving them
so I asked if I could come out and pick up a couple dozen
I thought the reason I was going to the the farm was to get eggs for breakfast
but I left with eggs...
and homemade hotdog sauce to add to my supper
2 Nathan's hot dogs with sauce and mustard
chunky cinnamon applesauce
made a delicious meal
I never intentionally match my dishes
but here we are again
I sent Karen a text thanking her for the sauce
and I realized,
after her reply,
that what I really needed was not eggs,
but a visit with her
when I think back to January 1,2020
and revisit disciplines I wanted to incorporate in my life
I'd have to say today is a good representation of steady progress
of doing rather than procrastinating
of seeing and appreciating "small" gifts
of making better health choices
of exercising self discipline
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