welcome rain 212/366

blessed rain, 
has been falling for almost 6 hours now

a heavy thunderstorm* gave way to a gentle, steady rain 
and my soul
is soaking it up
as deeply as the parched earth is
it's like deep in my being an internal reset button has been pushed

I wish I had adequate words to describe how wonderful it is
to sit on my porch
and hear the music of rain hitting various surfaces

the air is cooler
the grass is greener
I think I can see the neighbors corn growing
all due to small droplets of moisture coming from above,
refreshing and giving life to things below

 *I know a heavy, sustained rain is anything but refreshing for some who live in my area because there is always a threat of flash floods when heavy rains fall, especially when the ground is as dry as it was. I am praying against loss and damage.


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