"face covering required to enter" 199/366

Nothing about the first picture is "real".
Not my smile.
Not my exuberance.
That's not the way I wear my mask.
At any time.

The look of exasperation in the second picture,
teeth clenched,
eyes beseeching,
looking upward seeking help
is an accurate representation of my mental state.

I went to Dollar Tree for a few things this afternoon.
Kentucky is under a face mask in public order so I put mine on in the car.
I was paying for my purchases and glanced behind me.
A woman, who from all appearances is part of the "at risk" group,
was wearing her mask like this.

Silently I was praying "O Lord, help me"
because I want to shout at her, not kindly,
"Lady, you aren't doing anyone any good."
Please, people, wear your face covering,
not as a beard, but as a cover over your nose and mouth.


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