Be Brave, RLCA 2016

the first week after July 4th week means I need to be somewhere
it's an important part of my summer
Round Lake Christian Assembly

I have missed this the last 5/6 years
the camp's theme this year: 
Be Brave

Be Brave is what pushed me to agree to come back to camp this year
I knew what to expect after having been a part of the staff for 25+ years
180+ 5th & 6th graders
plus 60 (give or take) faculty/staff/cooks/kitchen help/faculty children
that's a lot of people in one place
that's a lot of interaction for a week
there were a lot of memories racing through my mind as I drove today
especially when you add in the fact that spring and fall family camp here
was where we spent our vacation time when we lived in Kenmore

the chaos of that many people in one place
family time
swimming, well, actually, watching swimming
daily video rewind
camp food
carnival with the threat of storm every year on that day
tent sleeping and cooking over a fire at family camp
freshwater jellyfish hunting and capturing one fall
the legendary Sea Rooster
the blob
paddle boat rides
friends made at camp
excited to see those who will be there
sad about those not able to make it
my heart was full

I asked Siri for directions since it has been awhile
64 to Industrial Pkwy to 23N to 270 
the closer I got the more intense the memories became
71N (that didn't sound familiar, but I trust Siri so on I drove)
25 miles, 30 miles, nothing looked familiar
40 miles, 50 miles, check to make sure I gave Siri the right address I did
and as I got off of 71 I knew I definitely had never driven to camp this way

as I traveled up 30N to 60 to 179 I had to smile
and think about how appropriate it was 
that today as I "got back on the horse"
returning to a place that is precious to me
I was travelling new, unfamiliar roads 
occasionally wondering if I was headed the right way
hoping Siri knew what she was doing
I arrived at my destination safely,
it just wasn't the way I envisioned the journey would be

in some ways today was a mirror of my life
I know where I am heading
but this is not the way I imagined I would be travelling to get there

thankfully God is ALWAYS right
I trust His voice, He will never lead me astray
I think He delights in my trusting Him as He leads me down new paths
and so as the first night of camp closes
I remember how I will blink and it will be Wednesday
I will turn around to see what happened to Monday and Tuesday
and it will be Friday

tonight I say let the memories roll-
those from the past
and those waiting to be made
so if you don't hear anything else from me this week,
don't worry, 
I am doing great,
I'm busy making those memories and sharing Jesus


  1. You are inspiring! I nneded to hear that. And I vividly remember the camp outs with your dear family. Great great times.
    Carol Groves


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