death stinks

Simple Definition of whirlwind

  • : a very strong wind that moves in a spinning or swirling motion and that can damage buildings, trees, etc.
  • : something that involves many quickly changing events, feelings, etc.

  • whirlwind

  • that word was heavy on my mind today before my day really began
  • I think it is a combination
  • of this spring/early summer with my aunt
  • of camp team training and then preparing and going to camp
  • of Deborah and David coming in

  • then we add Monday evening
  • Abigail was on the porch 
  • I was getting the hose to put water in the kiddie pool for her and Selah
  • all of a sudden Abigail started repeating
  • "I am sorry, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to"
  • she looked and sounded panicked
  • as she spoke those words over and over again
  • seemingly without drawing a breath
  • I was scared something awful had happened 
  • long story short,
  • she had picked up the tiny egg I had found before I left for camp 
  • and dropped it as she was trying to show it to Selah
  • of course, it broke
  • and the stench-
  • it was awful
  • rotten egg is a unique awful
  • when she asked me why it smelled so bad I explained to her 
  • "the baby bird that was in the egg died"
  • that was all of my explaination I got out 
  • before she asked if she had killed the bird
  • I assured her she had not killed the baby bird,
  • that wind blew the egg out of the nest 
  • "but why does it smell so bad"
  • (as she was about to gag)
  • I told her, "death stinks"

  • Deborah sprayed off the porch 
  • the girls played in the pools
  • death and stench forgotten

  • I came downstairs this morning,
  • opened the cupboard under the kitchen sink to get dish liquid
  • and saw the tail of a mouse that was caught in a trap I set yesterday
  • I closed the cupboard 
  • and went on with washing the dishes in the sink
  • when all was clean I got a gallon ziploc bag 
  • removed the trap and disposed of the mouse
  • but it still smelled bad 
  • so I began removing things, 
  • intending to do a quick wipe down
  • I found another dead mouse
  • it must have been injured
  • I tried to pick it up with the bag it's friend was in
  • and discovered it had been dead so long it was stuck 
  • STUCK-I couldn't easily pick it up 
  • barely holding back the gagging I so badly wanted to indulge in
  • I used the corner of the plastic bag and grabbed its tail
  • and pulled
  • slowly it released
  • and left a large spot of something gross
  • I tried to flip it inside so I could zip the bag shut
  • it wouldn't flip which meant I couldn't zip
  • so I had Deborah bring me the trash can with a new liner 
  • I tossed both mice into it
  • I considered it an investment, not the waste of a new bag
  • Abigail asked "why does it smell so bad?"
  • and again my answer was,
  • "death stinks"

death also disrupts the days of the living
my kitchen has been a mess all day
everything under the sink came out
I cleaned and lysoled the cabinet
several times
many rags were thrown away in that trash bag
  • three full loads in my new dishwasher were needed
  • a partial load of laundry to clean the rags and aprons
  • drying and putting away things as they were cleaned 
  • this has pretty much dictated my use of time and energy today
the good news is one portion of my kitchen is squeaky clean

mice squeak don't they...
let's hope there is no more squeaking...
but just in case, the trap is set again
maybe a cat and a litter pan would be a good investment...


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