there's no place like home

I have absolutely no doubt I should be at RLCA this week
I definitely belong here, this week, with these people
that doesn't mean it was easy getting here
it doesn't mean there haven't been any hiccups since I arrived
it doesn't mean it will be smooth sailing the rest of the week
but the peace, encouragement, joy and growth I have already experienced
especially after teaching this morning
and being given the opportunity to share part of my journey of faith tonight
have totally erased any lingering questions 
even knowing that Deborah and her family are flying into Cincinnati tonight
and will be in Grayson tomorrow or Thursday
does not fill me with a desire to leave camp early
home is where the heart is
and my place, my home, is here until Friday
serving God, sharing and receiving His love with like minded people
there's no place like home


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