fight or flight?

some days reminders of Bill come at me from all directions:

waking, expecting to hear his alarm for work to go off any minute

Timehop on FB sharing a memory 

today it was this picture from July 1, 2013
along with an article
congratulating Bill on 25 years of ministry

going to the mailbox
"thanks" AARP
family Taco Bell runs and the list that needs to be made

Speedway Freezies on sale for the summer

fluctuating gas prices-down 20 cents overnight? Unheard of!

holiday picnics

family gatherings

fight or flight?
not today
today I am embracing the upheaval of emotions
gentle and not so gentle reminders
of love and a life worth celebrating

Bill was not a perfect man,
but he sought God 
and these verses remind me of him.

"Many claim to have unfailing love,
    but a faithful person who can find?
The righteous lead blameless lives;
    blessed are their children after them."
Proverbs 20:6-7


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