Happy Birthday

today is Bill's birthday 
I would have made him a strawberry cake with strawberry frosting
or German Chocolate with coconut/pecan icing
I would have bought Breyer's butter pecan ice cream for German Chocolate  
or a big tub of neapolitan to go with a strawberry cake
I would have spent hours finding the perfect gift for him
we probably would have shared lunch "out" with a few people
and more than likely we would have grilled burgers and hot dogs for supper 
joined by the kids and grand kids who live close 

last year I avoided doing anything other than surviving this date
all I really wanted  
was to skip the date 
remove the date from the calendar
or curl up in a hole and pretend the day wasn't happening
I think I ran away from home 
early this month I thought about trying to get the kids together
because Bill's life certainly is worth celebrating 
I think it was a God thing that I didn't follow through with that thought

I missed a phone call Monday morning
my phone was on silent
I listened to the voicemail in the afternoon as soon as I saw I had one
and I spent a few hours wrestling with God
questioning if my gut response was a correct decision
and mulling over what my response to her should be
I was mentally preparing to return the phone call,
expressing my regret that I would not be able to do what she'd asked,
when she called again a little after 6

she was totally unaware 
that she called on my dad's birthday
to ask me to come to her home on Bill's birthday
and share a devotional thought with her church's ladies circle
I'd spent the afternoon thinking of excuses:
it's been an exhausting last three and a half months
three days is not long enough to prepare adequately
I just got back from camp 
and the clincher is that it's Bill's birthday

as soon as I heard her voice I knew I would be sitting on her porch tonight
because I made a promise years ago to God
I would not go looking for opportunities to speak,
but if He opened a door for me to share about Him
I would walk through it
this wouldn't be the first time I didn't know how that would work out,
and it probably won't be the last,
and it certainly was not going to be the first time I broke that promise

I had no idea, 
as Monday came to a close,
how in the world I would be ready by Thursday
Tuesday morning I spent my usual time plus some, alone with God
I asked Him to make it perfectly clear what He wanted me to share
I left my room praying and listening 
and before lunchtime came 
I knew exactly what I should share
and how I would do it

I don't know if they celebrate birthdays in heaven or not
I do know that on earth we are still celebrating Bill's life
and I am confident that sharing God's love with fellow believers
is a perfect way to celebrate Bill's birthday
but I am not going to lie to you and say it will be easy
there were tears running down my face as I began to write this post
and as I go do some porch sitting and heart sharing this evening 
I plan to walk in the assurance that accompanies faith
I also plan to have Kleenex with me because tears happen

"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. 
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you 
to give the reason for the hope that you have." 
1 Peter 3:15
"For we are God’s handiwork, 
created in Christ Jesus to do good works, 
which God prepared in advance for us to do." 
Ephesians 2:10


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