DQ's Miracle Treat Day 2016 and Miss KY

sometimes I do not use the sense the good Lord gave me

take this evening for instance
today, in the USA, it is Dairy Queen's Miracle Treat Day
if you buy a blizzard at a participating DQ
they will donate a dollar to Children's Miracle Network Hospitals
I know Miss Kentucky, Laura Jones
(Like, for real, I know her, I was team mom when she played soccer at KCU.
I love her and her heart for Jesus and people.
She competes for the title of Miss America in September!) 
and she was asking people to go buy a blizzard today
Children's Miracle Network is the official philanthropy of the Miss America Organization
so I went, to do my part in supporting her 
well, actually I gave Ruth my Discover card 
and she went and got three-one for me, herself and Kyle
I asked her to get me a large
it has been a long time since I last had one
now I am miserable
and remembering why it has been so long

I know better
I wanted to help 
but I went with what sounded good
rather than what I know to be good for me
next time I will simply donate the full price of the blizzards!

it's so easy to make excuses
to have "reasons" to justify making an unwise decision
thankfully this one isn't life threatening,
physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually
but it was still a bad, bad choice
and now I sit,
repenting while I reap the consequences
and hoping the next time I am tempted
I will use the sense the Good Lord gave me and resist or flee 

 "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. 
God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, 
but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, 
that you may be able to endure it." 
1 Corinthians 10:13
This girl is as beautiful on the inside
as she is on the outside.
She wants to honor God in everything she does.
I invite you to join me in praying for her to do that very thing.
(This is a choice I will never regret!)

And if you missed Miracle Treat Day
or if you just want to make a donation
you can do so easily!
You can copy and paste this link or type it into your search engine:


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