celebrating the 4th

watching fireworks from the back porch
as people from the streets behind us let them off
is something Bill would do for me 
because he loved me
he liked to be in the thick of a large crowd watching them
and sometimes we would join church family celebrations
but he knew I did not enjoy "going" to watch-
too many people
too exhausting to keep track of the kids when they were little
too noisy for some of their sensitive ears
too much traffic to maneuver afterward

as I sit here, 
darkness beginning to fall,
following an afternoon of missing Bill terribly
which led to a trip to Grayson Lake where I cried in the car as it rained 
and after my first 2+ mile walk with Sam
fireflies are lighting the backyard,
the kids are playing a board game at the table
and the neighbors have started their celebration
the fireworks are bigger,
more beautiful than they have ever been-
or maybe I simply appreciate them more because of the memories they bring 

a sweet peace floods my soul tonight
it is fed by
allowing myself to mourn when I need to
laughing when I can
acknowledging what I have lost
focusing on what I still have
appreciating possibilities 
enjoying time with family and friends
watching colors explode and hearing the boom, the fizzle, the whistle
and knowing that as beautiful as this life is, 
what Bill is experiencing is so much better 


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