"death is not supposed to be..."

Thursday afternoon Selah, Deborah's 5 year old daughter,
was sitting beside me on the porch swing
she looked at me,
eyes full of compassion, 
and in her sweet, quiet, gentle voice said;
"it's too bad Adam chose to do bad, 
death was not supposed to be"

we have talked a little this week about Grandpa Bill
about where he was buried
with a promise we would go up and see
and when Abigail , Deborah's 7 year old,
asked if we would see his old body when we went
I assured her we would not
and we had a discussion about funeral homes, coffins and headstones

Deborah had taken them to the cemetery earlier in the day
and when they saw all of the headstones
Selah was so very sad
"momma, there are so many... all of these people... it's so sad"
they picked flowers to put on Grandpa Bill's grave
as they were leaving they saw the headstone of a child
and a discussion about the size of coffins ensued

it really is too bad Adam and Eve chose disobedience...


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