one of those weeks

sometimes you awaken 
and you aren't up long before you realize
"it's gonna be one of those days"

the first thing that shows up on my FB timeline is my memories
this picture led the parade today
it was part of my blog post a year ago
Bill and Benjamin 7/21/14
today is my dad's birthday, 
Bill's is Thursday
his dad went home 7 years ago Saturday

I miss those men
about the time I began thinking it may be "one of those weeks"
I continued scrolling and my heart started smiling

two years ago I shared Deborah's post
they had waited so long for this to happen
we were celebrating a major victory

Deborah 'Bondurant' Markey
We made it to Salekhard!

this post from three years ago
took me back to sweet times of fellowship early in our marriage
Kathy and her husband Jeff were part a group of couples Bill and I discipled

Sarah Bondurant Funk with Kathy Johnson and Donnette Bondurant.
Guess who was on my mind while making dinner?!!!
this one was from four years ago,
when I was a hormonal mess and I had to cancel my trip to camp 
Miss Marie was checking on me
Are you feeling any better??

I am pretty sure it is going to be "one of those weeks"
full of a mixture of experiences and growing opportunities


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