Snapshots don't tell the whole story

I write because it is therapy for me. It helps me process my feelings and identify what is going on in my life. I try to be transparent. Candid. Honest. It makes me vulnerable. But I am okay with that.

I share moments from my days. Snapshots. But snapshots don't tell the whole story. There is not enough time or room for me to write everything that goes on. To try and capture everything would be overwhelming for all of us. 

allow you to see glimpses of the good the bad and the ugly. The tears, pain and heartaches as well as the laughter, happiness and deep abiding joy. The struggles and the victories. Because that is what my life is made of.

Yesterday I wrote about being tired of grief ambushing me. I shared that I run to God- He is my safe place. I also posted some of the music that helps me focus on truth rather than feelings.

After I wrote I went for a walk. And found a penny. Not only was it a reminder that God sees where I am, it also served to make a new reminder for the future. Even if I can't figure it out, all of this "makes sense (cents) to Him.

Not long after I saw the penny I noticed a white car slowing. It pulled alongside me and stopped. I was walking Sam so I was not worried. When I saw who was behind the wheel my heart rejoiced. It was one of my football sons. He wrapped me up in a huge bear hug and we chatted for a bit. 

Late last evening I got a text from one of my soccer girls. She had read my blog and shared links for four of her "go to" songs. I looked them up. And basked in the love of my Father. 

I gasped when I noticed the dates of the links for these two songs. Was it a coincidence that God allowed me to pull up those particular links and notice the dates last night? I think not. August 28/29, 2014 

"I can't see what's in front of me, still I will trust You...and though I can't see...still I will trust You...
Steady heart...steady love...steady grace..."

"Call my name...all you need is here in my'll be safe and sound with Me...though the night is long, there is a coming dawn..."

Reminder followed reminder last night.
And continued today.
Messages of encouragement.
I spill my heart.
You care. 
You share. 
You pray. 
Thank you.
God sees.
God cares.
God provides what I need when I need it.
God is faithful.
He is a good, good Father.


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