little kindnesses

sprinkled into most of my days are "little kindnesses"
an encouraging word 
a breeze on a sweltering day
a flower blooming
a fun cloud formation
a smile 
a courtesy extended

  • please
  • thank you
  • you're welcome
  • a door opened 
  • "do you need help with that?'

a shared treat
an unexpected gift
a celebration of something "small"
a hug
a listening ear
a reader's comment on my blog
prayers of faithful friends

"little kindnesses" 
usually do not require a huge amount of money
"little kindnesses"
are an invaluable investment with an immeasurable return
"little kindnesses" really aren't so little in the grand scheme of things

"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."
Ephesians 4:32


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