storms, silver linings and glden opportunitites

Wednesday, just as I wrote about the other day,
has come and is almost gone
two traditions continue
Wednesday comes quickly
and there was a threat of a storm during the carnival this evening

we actually had to shut down a little early
as kids gathered in the multi purpose building I heard grumbling
"it was just a few drops of rain"
"it isn't even raining now"
"I didn't get my cotton candy"
"there were four people in front of me and they got their snow cone, I didn't"
"but I didn't get to play all of the games"

the deans and RLCA staff had kept an eye on the radar
they knew what the campers did not know
and they sent everyone to their respective lodgings

within a few minutes the fury of the storm let loose

we are in an inner room so couldn't see the storm
but we knew it was out there, we could hear some of the thunder
and our girls knew

some are very afraid of storms
so we turned on both fans
Staci turned on Christian music

"every cloud has a silver lining"
the extra hour we had in our room before bed 
due to the storm 
led to a beautiful experience
of talking about fear 
of questions about many things- 
including life, death, baptism, faith 
and "how do you know what God is saying to you?"
of sharing what it means to follow Jesus 
of discussing how to learn to do that
of Staci sharing her journey of faith with all of us
of reading Scripture together
of praying 
what a blessing this storm turned out to be
something Satan meant to destroy a good thing 
(fun at the carnival)
turned into a golden opportunity to share life and love with our girls

spending a week at camp is many things
boring is not one of them
I can't wait to come back


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