snowball effect

I need to replace the flooring in my home
living room
really, every room but the kitchen

I am planning to put hardwood downstairs
to carpet the steps, hall and bedrooms
and to lay new tile or linoleum in the bathrooms

when I start planning stuff like this
I tend to think of everything that is involved-
moving furniture
taking baseboard trim off of walls
repainting before the flooring goes down

while I am at it, 
I may as well go ahead and put in the pedestal sinks I want in the bathrooms
and I need make sure the toilets, the shower & the tub are all okay
and I have been flirting with the idea of a whirlpool tub for awhile,
so this afternoon I was looking at whirlpool tubs online
my motto: "if you are going to dream, dream big!"

if you have children and are familiar with Laura Numeroff
this is probably sounding like one of her books
"If you give a Mouse a Cookie", ...a Moose a Muffin, ...A Pig a Pancake, etc.

I like this whirlpool tub
it is unlike any others I looked at
I think it is cool to be able to see the water
but I didn't know whether to laugh or cry
when I read the side note on the website

Water in Whirlpool Tub not included

this evening I am still shaking my head 
and wondering what happened 
that makes that disclaimer necessary

I also pause and question
"Does God ever shake His head at me 
and wonder what in the world is going on in my head?"

I know every day I am in awe of Him
and I shake my head at the wonder
of who I am in Him


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