living with open eyes

as I prepared to back out of my driveway 
on my way to soccer practice this morning
my attention was arrested by this sign on my porch

I thought back to when I noticed it at Hobby Lobby with my girls
it was soon after Bill died
they saw I liked it and bought it as a testimony to what we believe

I thought back to the commitment I made in January 2015
every day for more than a year I posted something on FB I was thankful for 
this morning I realized I haven't done that in a while

we all have them
and usually we are able to quickly tell you what they are

we all have them
but, depending on what we are facing, they can be more difficult to recognize

we are all holding onto something
and usually what we hold onto affects whether our focus is on losses or gains

I can't control all of the thoughts that cross my mind
but I can choose what I will hold onto and make my focus 

today I am thankful for the gifts of life and love
because as messy and painful as they can be,
there is also joy and hope to be found if we will but open our eyes to see

"And as they went out of Jericho, a great crowd followed Him. And behold, there were two blind men sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was passing by, they cried out, “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!” The crowd rebuked them, telling them to be silent, but they cried out all the more, “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!” And stopping, Jesus called them and said, “What do you want me to do for you?” They said to Him, “Lord, let our eyes be opened.” And Jesus in pity touched their eyes, and immediately they recovered their sight and followed Him." Matthew 20:29-34


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