
You have kept count of my tossings;

 put my tears in your bottle.

    Are they not in your book?

Psalm 56:8

please, consider going to the end of this post, 
clicking the link for the song, and listening while you read

tossings and tears
that is an accurate description of my heart/emotions today

I know others have days like this too
I am thankful God is aware and He cares

I woke thinking about a friend whose 20 year old son passed four years ago
my heart hurts 

I was at a KCU football scrimmage today 
a friend asked how I am doing
"I am doing okay"
"It's coming up. We love you" was his reply
"yes, it is"
he loved Bill too
sad tears leaked behind my sunglasses 

this evening my house was full of family and friends
smiles and laughter overflowed

tonight a friend let me know her first grandson is here
excitement makes my heart dance for her

I read that a girl I invested in when she was student at KCU is gone
sad tears left a trail on my face


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