oh, Sam!

when I got home a little after noon from the overnight team building trip 
I saw that he did it again
which meant I had to do it again
and I didn't want to
so I ignored it

Deborah called and we chatted about plans for next week
I told her what I needed to do
she said; "oh, no!" 
I still didn't want to do it
so I chose to turn my attention elsewhere

I read my Bible
I journaled
I prayed
I fixed a bite to eat (canned peach halves count as a meal don't they?)
then I headed out to watch the soccer alumni games 

we were out on the pitch for several hours
the heat index was over 100 degrees 
between that and getting to see the men and women who returned to play
the thing I needed to do never crossed my mind
until I returned home and looked out the window again

that dead animal was still laying there 
a big white mass
in the middle of my back yard
where Sam had taken care of it
I am guessing last night was a loud one for the neighbors
he may be old, but he's still "got it"
whatever "it" is that enables him to not only catch but kill cats and opossums

I am becoming a veteran at this
but I will be honest and tell you that today-
well, today I almost buckled and called someone to come and take care of it
I simply did not think I could 
but it was unbearably hot and I didn't want to bring anyone else into my mess

so I tightened my boot strings 
figuratively, I was actually wearing Teva sandals
took the almost empty trash can liner from the kitchen
went out the back door
and off the porch

I could smell the stench of death
so I did what any self respecting woman would do
I walked right past that critter
and found something else to do
my red raspberry patch is looking good now!

when there were no other backyard chores to do
and the trash bag was almost full 
because that is where the weeds went
I was dripping with sweat 
and I took my largest garden shovel and approached the menace

it was the biggest opossum I have had to deal with so far
I wrestled it from the flies into that Hefty trash bag 
pulled the drawstring tight, knotted it
and walked it to a dumpster 
(I didn't want that smell to linger in my car!)

moral of the story:
sometimes, when we have an unpleasant chore to take care of and we are at a point where we just can't do it right now, it is okay to do something else first. And second and third. Also if you have a giant dead opossum to dispose of and the temperature is in the upper 90's and probably will be until the trash is picked up, which isn't for a few more days, finding a dumpster to put it in so your backyard doesn't reek is worth the risk of a fine.  ;)


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