today I am neglecting the URGENT

my home is mostly busy with people in and out
it is a good thing
but stuff can get neglected in the hustle and bustle

this afternoon Deborah left to go visit Sarah's family
and when the house was empty 
I looked down and I saw:
the carpet needs to be vacuumed
wood and linoleum covered floors need swept
I know there are dust bunnies that need to be tamed
sinks and toilets need cleaned

I was drawn to go outside
(I thought for a moment of rest before I started cleaning)
I sat on the porch swing with my coffee

as I looked around me I saw more work calling
there are weeds that need to be pulled
grass needs to be mowed
the weed eater will need to be used
the porch needs swept
my mind raced 
trying to jot all of  it down on my mental to do list

my heart was shouting
"just breathe
yes, I know there is lots to do
but just be still"
my mind was having a hard time listening 

I glanced at the beautiful blue sky
dotted with white, puffy clouds
after looking up I decided something:

all of that work 
that needs done-
it can wait

I am going to go sit at the feet of the Lamb


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