Beach Beauties

As I sat on the balcony with Selah this morning, our last full day here, each enjoying our breakfast, I was struck by the truth that it is nearly impossible to spend a week at the beach with near perfect weather every day and not see several different beach beauties.

The thought was sparked by this scene I witnessed as we ate:
A family willing to do whatever it takes
to make sure EVERYONE got to enjoy the ocean,
up close and personal.

this guy got off easy

Adults loaded down like pack mules with umbrellas, tents, coolers, toys and whatever else their family needs to enjoy the day. 

People who come down to the beach by themselves EARLY to set up in a "perfect" spot while everyone else is probably still snoozing. 

smothering kids in sunscreen

building sandcastles with kids

oohing and aahhhing over treasures...

ever changing

special gifts

a unique masterpiece to enjoy every night

even the storms


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