life, love and crappy jobs that go along with it

today was a day of doing jobs that aren't my favorite
but because I am a single, responsible adult able to take care of myself
or so I try to make people think 
(my children especially) 
I had to do them

Like going to pay a deposit on the hardwood flooring, steps and baseboard supplies, choosing a stain color, telling them I was not going to do new doors after all, and asking about a cash discount...

when I got home from that,
since it was dry, warm and sunny
and it has been a couple of weeks since I was able to be outside,
I cleaned off the back porch
and I cleaned up the back yard
some jobs are stinky

and just when you think you have it all cleaned up, that there can't possibly be anymore crap, you find another pile
it doesn't have to be big to feel huge to clean up
as I scooped I kept thinking,
"it's part of the price of loving something living"

some jobs have to be redone because something became unbalanced
as I restacked I was thanking God,
once again,
for people like my wood fairies
some jobs, 
when completed, 
bring relief now and later
no more thinking someone is creeping on my porch,
I cleaned, moved and organized stuff in the building

creating a safe place to store my yard nativity
I had seen from my kitchen window
that the strong, fierce winds we've had recently
had caused the hammock swing we got in Costa Rica
to get caught awkwardly on a branch, 
I am hoping it isn't torn
I did not know they had caused this to fall to the ground
I am thankful it was only dirty, not destroyed

a dear friend sent me these wind chimes the Christmas after Bill died
a soft cloth cleaned the metal,
a damp rag took the dirt off the wood

and finally, 
I went to the cemetery
some things need to be checked on and freshened-
whether we want to or not
it was time for the antlers to be removed
and I found that the wind had shifted the stand
so it had to be straightened

this afternoon as I worked I came to a conclusion
I could focus on the "yuck"
or I could be thankful for the life and love that is behind the work

I will choose life
I will choose love
because the joy and fullness and goodness of embracing life and love
far outweighs the unpleasant crap that comes with it


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