what was I thinking?


some jobs are just plain tedious
like sorting through stacks and boxes of projects 
ones that did not get finished 
ones that never got started
deciding if they are outdated
or might still be relevant
this is what has filled my hours today 
and what will fill most of my time tomorrow
as I work in my sewing/craft room
I know, I know
I can hear some of you saying
"when it's done you will be so glad"
and you would be right
but I also know that right now,
in the midst of it 
I am not glad
I am a little overwhelmed
I may be a tinge discouraged
and I am slightly frustrated with myself
I found myself shaking my head more than once this afternoon
wondering "why in the world did I save those"
or "what in the world I was thinking when I bought that "
I have taken two kitchen bags full of "treasures" to the trash can

I have a fair sized box started to donate to a local thrift store

I have a pile to take to church,
and when I finish these stacks...

I am embarrassed to say there is more in my room...

I wonder if there are any closets in my mind or heart that I need God to go through 'cause I sure don't want my innards to be looking like the mess I'm working through ...

"Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way."

Psalm 139:23-24


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