
As I finished writing tonight, 
Beth tagged me in this photo. 
I was contemplating the title. When I saw the photo, I knew I had chosen well.
I used to make this snack 
for myself when Bill was working late.
The song that fit tonight is on an album the older girls listened to often when they were little.
And to be honest, sometimes I would like to throwback what I pull out of my mailbox...

Some nights
you just need a mug cake
tonight I made one with chocolate chips and peanut butter

this morning Ruth and the kids came to the house to do laundry
last night she told me they were coming
I am trying to get into a better sleep pattern
so I went to bed early last night-
1 AM
and at 2 AM gave up 
came downstairs and made a cup of tea
and read until 3:30 AM
reclined the couch and tried to sleep,
afraid that if I went upstairs I would be wide awake again
I dozed a little, but my couch is not a comfortable recliner
so I headed upstairs and actually was able to sleep
BUT I was not up when the Davies came in

when I finally made it downstairs
I was surprised that Ruth had not yet brought in the mail
so I headed out the door,
noticed packages on the porch
but focused on the mailbox first
I brought the mail from the box in and laid it on the bar,
went back outside to get the packages UPS delivered
and when I returned to the kitchen,
found Ruth laughing as she sorted through the envelopes
I looked at her quizzically
and she said
"this cracks me up, but it might make you cry"
I was curious and immediately reached for what she was holding:

 more mail for Bill
she chuckled 
and followed up with something like
"that would be a bummer"

do not think for a moment that Ruth did not love her daddy
she did
all of us did
and if we had our way
he would be here
but it would be because he was STILL here
as it is
he isn't here 
and we miss him 
but we draw comfort and hope from knowing he is in heaven
I cannot begin to comprehend the wonder of his life now
and none of us wants him to leave there
and all of us look forward to joining him there when our work here is done


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