tears and tea tags

I knew 
as soon as I woke up this morning
I knew without a shadow of a doubt it was going to be a teary day

they were already on my face without a "reason"
but today
instead of listening to "stay in bed a while longer"
instead of heeding the voice "you really don't feel well, stay home"
I got up, 
I did what I needed to do
and drove to 1525 Damron Branch
the place Oak Grove Church of Christ gathers
the place Bill and I chose to partner with in ministry

as I sat in Sunday School they crept up behind my eyelids
when I walked into our Family Life Center for services
they were closer to falling
"how are you?"
I smiled and nodded and gave the customary "I'm okay" reply to most people
but there were a few I was honest with
"It's a teary day"

I usually get coffee if I want a hot drink
but today I was drawn to the tea bags
I remembered we offered "Scripture" tea at one time
I had no idea of what "flavor" or "color" it was,
but thought "I think that's what I need this morning"
so I searched through the bags,
until I found one

there "just happened" to be just enough hot water to brew my tea
I flipped the tag over to read which verse I had received
my heart smiled as I began to read

I responded,
"thank you Lord,
here I am come, 
running at You full speed,
thank you for being there to catch me"
I am thankful for whoever
thought we needed to offer this,
it was definitely a blessing to me this morning. 

I am also thankful Amy chose this song today
even though I know the truth of its' message,
and it is what I have resolved/chosen in my head and heart
I need to speak/sing it aloud
so my ears can hear it
and my spirit is refreshed:


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