
that word keeps popping up
almost as if it is looking for a home
so I have decided 
to adopt it this year as my "word"

I want to be intentional:

as I sort through the "stuff" in my home during this remodeling
      do I like it? 
      does it still "fit"?
      does it serve a purpose? 
      if yes, keep it, if not, pitch or donate it

with my purchases
      stop and think before buying
      do I need it?
      if yes, do I need it now?
      if yes, do I have something I can repurpose?
in my reading
      through the Bible for the first time in a very long time
      for daily spiritual growth
      of fiction for relaxation
      of nonfiction for intellectual growth

with my internet useage
       cut down on senseless scrolling
       reduce mindless game playing 
       resume writing curriculum
       skype with Deborah's family on a regular basis 

in caring for my physical body
        make better food choices
        drink more water
        walk every day
        get more sleep

with how I see myself
in my relationships, especially in my relationships
       with God
       with family
       with friends 
       with people I see in passing  

living intentionally
will not be an easy discipline to implement
but I think the benefits
will far outweigh the struggles 
to make intentionality part of my DNA


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