looks can be deceiving

I ordered a large wooden nativity from a local church
and I proudly displayed it in my front yard before Christmas
it is beautiful,
except when I catch the top of Joseph's head out of the corner of my eye
and momentarily think someone is creeping on my back porch

that looks like litter
how dare someone throw their empty can by my fence
there is a trash can not 15 feet away! 
except it isn't litter
I threw it over my fence for the gentleman that walks town looking for cans

I wonder what went wrong at the car wash?
I hate that there is an issue, a family from church owns it.
was my thought the first time I saw yellow tape across the bays
except there isn't anything wrong 
when the temperature gets too low they tape it off to prevent any problems

this little clock normally sits on a shelf in my bathroom
it was a gift from Bill's mom, I cherish it
it looks out of place in the kitchen
except it isn't
in the remodel it got knocked off of the shelf and I had to repair it

the sun is shining bright today
it is absolutely stunning
looks like it is a much warmer day than the teens we have had this week
except it isn't warmer
just brighter because the cloud cover has lifted

this email from Papa John's looks like a good deal
actually, it is a good deal
I have used that coupon code before 
WVU won so I win with 50% off my order
except choosing Papa John's is not a win when I am trying to eat better

things are not always what they appear
those tears may be caused by joy or fear or anger or sorrow
that smile or laughter may be genuine or it may be only a cover up
that frown may be sadness or it could be concentration
that brusqueness may be rudeness or it may be fueled by worry

be careful with your evaluations, 
be more kind, 
more patient, 
show more love 
extend more grace


"But you, why do you judge your brother? Or you again, why do you regard your brother with contempt? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this-not to put an obstacle or stumbling block in a brother's way." Romans 14:10,12 &13


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