when the unremarkable is remarkable

unremarkable days
are honestly the most remarkable
today is one of those
nothing extraordinary happened
other than the fact 
that I just kept putting one foot in front of the other 

I burrowed under the blankets for a long time this morning
I made oatmeal and drank coffee at noon
I let the repairman in to fix my dryer this afternoon
his coat fell off of the washer into a basket and we didn't see it
when he called I told him I would bring it to him 
I went to several stores in town and browsed the Christmas clearance
I bought a small snow globe for Xavier and delivered it
I heated a can of Progresso soup for supper
I drank a Coke and went through the remaining boxes in the sewing room

like I said, it was nothing exciting
but I also say it was a remarkable day!
I got out of bed even though it was more comfortable to nest there
I made myself breakfast even though there are granola bars in the cupboard
I volunteered to return the coat which meant going out into the cold
and scraping the snow off of my car and ice off the windows
when I really wanted to exercise my right to be a hermit 
I went to several stores see note above
I finished sorting and purging when what I wanted to do was ignore it

simply getting through the day is a victory of epic proportions
if you find yourself having that kind of day,
don't listen to the voices clamoring "do more",
take heart, you are not the only one
I say,
let's celebrate what we did accomplish!

and for anyone tempted to worry about me,
please, don't 
I am okay, simply weary


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