this is us (but one of us is missing)

this was taken in April 2013 after Hannah's dance recital
I have been missing Bill more than usual lately
thoughts of him,
specific memories,
have been surfacing more frequently
and it makes my heart both glad and sad-
glad because I have the memories
sad that they are memories with no more to be made

I know it may sound weird 
but today it is almost like I can hear him whisper
"I love you"
as I sit in my debt free home
surrounded by creature comforts that are paid for
knowing there is money set aside so I can pay my bills
assured that I am financially taken care of until it is time to leave this world

as I look at pictures of our children and grandchildren
I am reminded of the joy of our family life
was it easy?
being totally honest, um, NO !
sometimes it was really hard-
like "I want to pull my hair (or yours) out" and,
"where do I go to resign, I am ready to be done!" hard

but given the opportunity,
I would definitely go back and do it all again
and not want to change much, if anything,
because that would change who I am, 
who we are, 
and who we are becoming...
and I am more than a little partial to "us"


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