my corner, your corner

sometimes I sit
here, in my little corner of the world,
and look out of the window 
or at the mantle because it invites me to think outside of where I am
and I think about you

I wonder 
"what is going on in their corner of the world?"
"what is their life like?"
"why do they continue to read what I write?"
"I wonder what they think about when they read my posts"
"do they feel like I repeat myself as often as I feel like I repeat myself?"
"do they know Jesus?"
"and if not, do my words point them to Him?"
"are they grieving?"
"are they walking the road of grief with someone else?"
"how exciting it would be to meet them!"

please know, even though we may not have met, 
I am thankful for you, always
I look at blog stats to see which countries have readers
and I pray for you,
I may not know you and your needs, but I know the One who does


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