not the first time, won't be the last

it isn't the first time
and probably will not be the last
that a "problem"
has led to something wonderful

my heating unit is having issues
Jonathan told me to turn it off this afternoon
I was not concerned
it is supposed to be relatively warm for the next few days

but this evening
I began to feel a little chilled
and when I looked at the weather forecast
I saw that rain is supposed to start tonight

I went to the woodpile
thanking God for my wood fairy and kindling provider,
went back out to grab some pine cones, came in and built a fire

sitting by a fire is a delicious way to end a day
there is something calming and comforting about it
I didn't realize how much I was missing by not needing to have one
I think I will begin to do this on a regular basis, even after the unit is repaired


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