a cure for gray day blues

accepting that I have been lazy in the past
and spent far too long making excuse after excuse
and accepting I am the only one who can
1. choose my habits
2. integrate healthy changes in exercise
has gone a long way toward motivating me to get out and walk
in spite of gray days and cool temperatures
I always check the weather before I lace up
so I have an idea of what I need to wear
that "feels like 27" convinced me I probably needed to wear this today
seeing the flag fly straight out was a sign I'd made a wise choice

I tend to warm up quickly when I walk,
okay, I sweat like a pig,
so often I don't wear ear warmers or a hat
but today I was glad I did
I'd rather be a little more toasty than normal than have my ears fall off

I knew my head band was slipping,
I had to pull it down several times,
I also knew it was doing something funky with my hair,
I could feel it bouncing a little with every step I took
what I didn't know was how silly I looked
until I took a selfie when I was about 2/3's of the way done
I could have headed straight home,
it looked that silly,
instead I chuckled at myself,
thought "Maybe I made someone else smile or even laugh",
and focused on the goal of finishing 2 1/2 miles,
not looking good while I did it 

go ahead,
you can laugh at the picture
I won't be offended-
perhaps it will encourage you to do what you need to do
and not let what you look like while accomplishing it stop you


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