a little change here and there

 Sunday I found a quarter

Monday I found a dime

and a little farther along, a penny

each coin came along as I was wrestling in prayer with something different

when I got home Monday evening from a full day of busyness I lined the coins up for a photo-a reminder that in big, little and everything in between I can trust in God

today I found a dime, 

beat up,

barely discernible,

but still,

a dime with value

I took a different than normal route home

I was close enough to be thinking about crossing the street

the sidewalk is uneven there so I was watching the ground,

I didn't want a repeat of tripping and landing almost face first

I saw a scattering of pennies

as I squatted down to pick them up an affirmation and a question came to mind:

I know without a doubt that in all the change (15 pennies) that comes across my path,

He is trustworthy

the engraved phrase "In God We Trust" is the reason I stop to pick up coins

am I honestly trusting Him in all the change?

as I was driving home tonight a thought came to mind:

a little change, 

purposely picked up here and there,

over a span of time

can make a lot of cents (sense) when taken as a whole

(I have a bank where I save the change I pick up when I am walking. The dollars are in exchange for quarters I needed. I just added it up-there is more than $15 there. That's a lot of cents. Not many people would pass up a ten and a five dollar bill, but countless people walked over the change. It would be the same for me-I wouldn't have anything If I'd not made the effort to pick up the change. 

Life is like that too. Choosing to walk everyday, make better food choices, drink more water, get better sleep-picking up those changes, little by little will beneficially add up in my life too. 

By making changes in my spiritual life over the years, little by little, untold value has been added to my life. It didn't happen all at once. It is a collection of choices and habits like picking up my Bible and reading it every day, thinking about the lessons I learn from it, asking hard questions, deciding to pray more often than only before meals, keeping a prayer list and highlighting answers, journaling, memorizing the word-all of those changes have added priceless value to my life. I encourage you to begin today. Pick up a little change. Keep adding to it. Slowly but surely it will add up in your life too. But, if you don't start, it never will.)


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