
See what I mean by snow coming after dark?
When I got home from Ashland at 9:45 pm Saturday, snow covered the lawn.
It may have been too late to walk alone, 
but it wasn't too late to build a snowman.
So at 10pm I did.
Anyone passing by the house probably thought I'd lost my mind.
The truth?
I've lost the concern about what other people will think
if I play in the snow by myself.

Snowman building is hard work.
It definitely calls for hot cocoa-
and I was fortunate enough to have some homemade mix.
Thank you Sarah.
The marshmallows and whipped cream were bonus additions.

I'm so glad I took action on my whim.
It warmed up just enough after I built him
that he fell apart overnight.
If I'd waited until a more reasonable time,
I'd have missed out completely.

and everywhere in between,
I highly encourage you-
make time,
give yourself space
grant yourself permission 
to play
even if it is an "odd" hour-
it will do your heart and soul good


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