Fishers of Men craft tears today

Andrew sent a picture of Abram's craft from Sunday School 
the lesson was about being fishers of men
I thought it was sweet that one of Abe's fish was Dad,
one was mom,
but I couldn't read what was written on the red fish

I texted Andrew, wondering who the third person was-
he replied about the same time another picture came through,
and the name written on it was very clear

tears immediately flowed down my face
tears of grief
tears of joy
tears of thankfulness
tears of tremendous loss and immeasurable gain

Grandpa Bill went to be with Jesus in 2014
Abram was born in 2017
oh how I miss being married to a man who loved God and his family
a man whose faith impacted his children and grandchildren-
to the point he is still part of their lives, even the ones he never met

the best way to make a positive difference?
love Jesus,
love your family,
love your friends,
and your life will live on,
even after you take your last breath 


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