seduced by the moon

a friend invited Anita and I to her home for supper
when we walked out of her house to head to our homes, 
we were both stopped by the moon, full and ripe and beautiful
so beautiful I fell under its spell
and for the first time in my life
I chased the moon

I know Grayson is not a big city,
but the light pollution still distracts from the voice of a clear night sky 
so I travelled west, 
stopped in a place with no lights and took a picture
I  limited myself to one when the people across the road came out on their porch,
I want to believe their intent was to make sure I was okay,
but how do you explain to strangers you've been seduced by the moon?
the picture was no where close to capturing what I was seeing
so I headed back to town,
my eye continually drawn back toward the moon,
I wasn't ready to leave its presence
so instead of pulling onto Park Street I heeded the call of my heart 
and drove south, toward the lake 
I was rewarded with a little better shot of the moon with a halo

it was too dark to be at Grayson Lake State Park alone
so I took a big breath, thanked the Lord for this incredible night sky
and turned to go home
when I pulled in the drive I could see the moon peeking through the pine
I went to the back yard to snap this photo

and also got the moon framed by the redbud tree,
lighting influenced by the car wash,
oh what a delightful chase the moon led me on tonight



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