may I never outgrow the wonder of it all

have you ever had something catch catch your attention
and cause you to gasp with awe at the beauty of it
where just a moment ago there was nothing of note?
it was foggy when I came downstairs this morning
as I was preparing to cook breakfast the sun broke through 
and filled the kitchen, and my soul, with light
it was so beautiful I stopped what I was doing to take a picture

seeing it through the screen wasn't enough
I had to go outside to experience it unhindered
I tried to get a better picture I need to invest in a real camera 

it wasn't until I shut and locked the back door
and re-entered the kitchen
that I noticed just how affected I was by that burst of light:

I left the refrigerator door wide open, 
never even thought to shut it
I shook my head at myself
but before I could begin berating my "lack of judgement"
I caught myself thinking:
I hope I never outgrow the wonder that causes me to stop what I am doing
and take a few minutes to enjoy the extra gifts God gives me

a night snow perfect for making a snowman
a "snow globe" daylight snow
flowers working their way through the winter ground in preparation for spring
a child's laughter or invitation to walk or play with them
a friend's impromptu visit or "out of the blue" phone call
the list is endless...


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