different motivation today

I was busy on my computer and noticed it was getting darker
I knew the afternoon was going to be cloud covered so I didn't pay much attention
I glanced up as I prepared to move to the next task
and immediately closed my computer,
grabbed my phone,
quickly walked to the laundry room for socks and a coat
and laced up different shoes
different day
different motivation
different beauty

I like to walk in the snow
there is something calming and wonderful about it
that can't be replicated under any other conditions
it seems to snow most often when it is dark
I don't feel like it would be wise to walk by myself then
so I don't
some might call today's event a quick snow squall
I call it a sweet encounter with the God who loves me well
it was like walking in a snowglobe for about ten minutes
then, slowly, the sun came out 
I finished my walk enjoying a different kind of wonder



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