Good News! God uses broken people

Truth is always true,
regardless of how old it is.
This showed up today in my memories on FB from six years ago:
"God uses broken people-
they are all He has."

Dick Alexander had preached in chapel that morning.
Those words were part of his message.
It was just five months out from Bill's death.
I was definitely freshly, rawly, completely broken.
I was thankful then for the hope they offered.
I am even more thankful now,
partly because I have learned to embrace,
to see and to appreciate the depth and beauty in life
that can only come from being broken.

I no longer feel the ever constant need to hide or deny my frailty,
my weaknesses,
my fears.

I know,
without a doubt,
that I,
in and with all of my imperfections
am loved completely, lavishly, wholly
by a perfect and Holy Father
who, through His Son, mends me,
makes me whole
and all of the cracks I have simply allow His light to shine more places.


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