things I took for granted

these are a few things I have done for years, 
currently do 
and will continue to do 
as long as I am able
they are also things I took for granted when I didn't have to do them:

go to the bank
shovel snow and put out ice melt
deal with insurance issues                       
fill the tank, wash the car and vacuum the interior
make returns

move large,
 heavy boxes               

take out 
the kitchen garbage 
roll the trash can(s) to the curb every Monday night 
and to the back yard Tuesday morning  

feed and water the dogs every day

a few things I wish I'd taken advantage of:
 the opportunity to cook breakfast for two
and watch, really watch a game with Bill
and walk with him at night, even if it kept me awake...

friends, if I can give you some advice:
notice and appreciate the "little", the thankless, the mundane things that get done
look for the good 
(I'm not saying ignore the difficult, but don't let it blind you to what is good)
complain less
compliment more
forgive quickly and freely
say "thank you" frequently
take advantage of everyday opportunities to invest in your relationships

life is a gift
love is a treasure
be on guard against taking your partner for granted


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