seeing is believing

today was beautiful, especially for January
the skies were bright winter blue
the temperature hovered in the mid forties all afternoon

it kind of made me wonder if I'd made a mistake in judgement 
Sunday night I took down and put away my Christmas wreaths
I added snowflakes to one having light issues rather than pitching it 

I walked, 
a little before one o'clock,
wearing a light jacket and was comfortable

today was one of those winter days you need following a string of gray days-
one that offers nothing but brightness and encouragement
but as this evening creeped up on me,
out of nowhere,
I began to feel discouraged for no identifiable reason
unless it is the headache that has decided to begin a gentle thud
so I went on a quest searching for hope
and found it
winter's work will be accomplished and spring will come,
bringing splashes of color to the now brown landscape

I have faith spring and flowers are on the way, 
but seeing sure helped my believing today
I'm so thankful no season lasts forever

daffodils in front of the shed
crocus in front of the house
lilies in the back corner of the yard


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