a dream comes true

I don't watch professional football 
but Sunday night when my phone started blowing up with text messages 
and my kids were excited about how things were going
I figured out how to get the game on my computer
and I watched
play after play
heart racing with excitement
and the third quarter with a certain amount of trepidation and dread
not because I am a pessimist,
but because as Bill's wife I knew Cleveland sports teams and their history
then came an early touchdown in the fourth quarter
and I felt hesitant optimism that this year just might be different
when the last play was run I breathed a huge sigh of relief
and then I cried-
happy tears for the victory,
sad tears that adult, ever hopeful, faithful and optimistic Bill did not often get the big win
wishful tears that he would have had this experience
because all I could think was this is something he hoped for,
and believed could happen, 
every. single. year
he would have been ecstatic
(it's a double edged sword to see a dream of his come true)


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